Unraveling the Mystery: Factors Contributing to Nigeria’s Massive Population Compared to Its 15 Closest Neighbors

The West African country of Nigeria is often referred to as the “Giant of Africa” due to its large population. With over 200 million people, it is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous in the world. But what sets Nigeria apart from other countries in the region is not just its size, but also its remarkable demographic dominance.

In fact, if you were to combine the populations of Nigeria’s 15 nearest neighbors – including Benin, Chad, Cameroon, and Niger – it would still fall short of matching Nigeria’s total population. So why does this one country have such a significant number of people compared to its neighbors? One explanation for this lies in Nigeria’s history.

The area that now comprises modern-day Nigeria has been inhabited by various ethnic groups for thousands of years. These groups developed complex societies with thriving economies and trade networks long before European colonization. But perhaps more importantly, during colonial rule, Britain merged different ethnic territories into one administrative unit known as “Nigeria.”

This arbitrary division resulted in a diverse mix of cultures and traditions within one nation-state. After independence was granted in 1960, this diversity continued to be reflected not only among different ethnicities but also through religion and language.

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