‘People said I was sleeping with 9ice’s wife; he used the scandal to promote his album’ -Ruggedman

In the world of showbiz, scandal has proven to be a double-edged sword. It can either dismantle one’s career or propel it to unimaginable heights. Nigerian rapper Ruggedman found himself in the stormy eye of such controversy when accusations arose that he was involved with 9ice’s wife.

With eyebrows raised and tongues wagging, Ruggedman stood firm against these allegations. In an exclusive interview, he opens up about how this scandal unfolded around him like a dark cloud waiting to burst. But instead of wilting under its weight, he claims that 9ice cunningly wielded this situation as a promotional strategy for his album release.

As we delve into this intriguing tale, questions arise – were these rumors merely fabricated? Did 9ice seize upon an opportunity to generate buzz around his music? Or could there be some deeper truth hidden beneath it all?

Scandals have long been used as tools in the entertainment industry; their shock value often ensures headlines and heightened public interest. Yet, amidst all the smoke and mirrors lies an enigmatic landscape where reality intertwines with fiction.

Join us on this captivating journey through fame’s treacherous terrain as we navigate the complexities surrounding Ruggedman’s alleged affair with 9ice’s wife – a story that unravels layers upon layers of deceit while leaving us pondering what truly transpired behind closed doors.

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