Leveraging SEO Strategies: Lessons from Nigeria’s Internet Gambling and Music Promotion Markets

The internet gambling market and the music industry in a country like Nigeria appear not to have much in common.

Internet gambling SEO includes niches like virtual poker, sports betting, lotteries, and online casinos, while music promotion sites specialize in artist promotion, streaming platforms, music marketing, and concert ticket sales.

However, when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), they are both highly competitive fields with overlapping digital marketing strategies.

Compared to Nigeria, most African countries struggle to have their music heard worldwide at the same rate and frequency. So, how do online casinos and leading guides to betting sites rise up the ranks, and how can musical acts from everywhere learn from that?

More importantly, how can their strategies be applied to music-promoting sites in the country? To answer these questions, we spoke to Naledi Van Wyk, Casonoble’s SEO expert and digital marketing specialist.

Let’s now explore the strategies that he recommends.

Start with an Aged Domain

Link building is an important factor that contributes to Casinoble’s success. To get a head start on it, consider buying an aged domain, preferably one that was built specifically for the music promotion niche.

A good-aged domain isn’t filled with spam links and usually has a respectable link profile that was carefully built over the years. It is an added advantage if the link already appears in relevant business directories.

Thereafter, you can revive the site by updating it to target specific keywords that mirror current industry trends or with a content overhaul. The ranking benefit might be minimal, but an aged domain will give your site a great foundation for generating traffic and gaining trust.

Keyword Research

Van Wyk explains that keyword research isn’t simply about choosing keywords to sprinkle throughout the website. At Casinoble, he identifies many different search phrases or terms, how competitive they are, and how they could provide the best ROI (return on investment).

In the music industry, search terms constantly evolve in competitiveness and popularity. Consumer preferences and industry laws are also always changing, not only in music but also in iGaming.

As such, keywords that were profitable only a few years ago may prove harder to squeeze today. Some become more competitive, while others lose popularity over time.

Therefore, regardless of the keywords you choose to optimize for, ensure that you commit to ranking as high as possible for them. Your site needs maximum visibility in order for your business to perform well in the long run.


Competitor Analysis

“Analyzing the competition is a crucial part of an SEO strategy,” states Van Wyk. For you, this could involve pulling up the top 10 competitors for a keyword using any backlinks analysis tool to learn more about them, how they perform over time, and how they are building links.

To achieve success equal to Casinoble’s, you needn’t beat the biggest sites in the music industry; you only need to outperform your direct competitors for music promotion keywords and build a superior website.


A fully optimized and well-constructed site like Casinoble’s requires at least half the work required to rank in the SERPs (search engine research pages). Van Wyk says that a site should have several optimized elements.

If you wish, every page on your site related to music promotion could rank individually in the SERPs, so you need to ensure that they’re optimized for your long-tail or medium keywords. This means deciding what every single page is truly about and optimizing each one for the relevant search terms.

Casinoble’s SEO strategies offer invaluable insights that could be applied to the music industry.

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