Breaking Free: Steps to Overcome Drug Abuse and HealCopySave

Drug addiction is a complex issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can start as a way to cope with stress, pain, or emotional turmoil, but it often spirals out of control and becomes a destructive force in one’s life.

The physical and psychological effects of drug abuse are well-documented, yet many individuals still struggle to break free from its grip. In his interview with the young survivor, Dr. Chinonso Egemba, AKA Aproko Doctor, sheds light on the science behind addiction and how certain factors make some individuals more vulnerable to developing an addiction than others.

He explains that drugs have a powerful impact on the brain by altering its natural chemical balance and creating feelings of pleasure or euphoria. This initial high is what makes it so tempting for people seeking escape from their problems.

However, over time, repeated use leads to tolerance – meaning more significant amounts of drugs are needed to achieve the same effect – and eventually dependency develops. At this stage, quitting becomes increasingly difficult due to intense withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and physical illness.

Furthermore, Dr. Egemba highlights how environmental factors like social influences play a crucial role in drug abuse development too. Growing up in an environment surrounded by substance abuse increases one’s chances of falling into the same pattern themselves.

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